Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Big Taze!

So, I am going to attempt to put the sweet video of Tony being tasered at work. I do think it's funny, but mostly I'm pissed for 2 reasons:

1. Why couldn't I be the one to shoot him?
2. If I couldn't shoot him, why couldn't I have at least been there to watch?

Now, if you were to watch this with Tony, he would push play like 100 times in a row, and laugh at every single time like it was the first time he had ever seen it! He was zapped for like 5 seconds. And he was totally trying to be manly. I'm really somewhat impressed. I don't think my 5 seconds of zapping would have been as controlled, but I'm positive it would have been way more entertaining!

Tony also made his very first arrest today. Of an 11 year old boy! Isn't that kinda sad? The little boy was incorrigible. But still he saw some action, and that's awesome!

As for the rest of us, not much is going on:

Andy has to see to the orthodontist tomorrow, so he'll be grumpy and refuse to eat for a week.

I get to see the surgeon about getting my last 3 wisdom teeth pulled. OUCH! And I will return a phone to my oldest bff, Alyson:)

Khayle will just hang around and be our bke(best kid ever).

Lace will continue to work on not swearing so she can go to kindergarten and not get kicked out! (The principal thought she had it bad with our Andy, man, she ain't seen nothing yet! Instead of me crying in her office, Mrs. Hibbard could be the one crying this time around!)

Tony will continue to keep the laws of the land on the sweet Gila River Indian Reservation.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Since for some reason I'm often seen as a pessimistic person, I thought I'd take some time and focus on the GOOD.

1. I've been blessed with GOOD friends. And my life long prayer for my children has been that they would also be blessed with GOOD friends. And so far, at least Khayle has. She brought home a picture taken with her bff. It was so cute! Some how, we can across a very old picture from 1992 of me with my bff. It was so cute! Very similar to K's picture. Well, crafty as I'm not, we decided to put them in the same frame and then hang them up. Here's what we ended up with (sorry about the flash):

2. A GOOD servant! Tony has worked so hard to fulfill his life-long dream of becoming a police man and leading a life of service to others. (Totally his spiritual gift. I'm not so servant minded! But I do like to be served!) He graduated Friday the 18th:

(He also looks GOOD in uniform, and has GOOD dimples) We are so proud of all the hard work and effort he has put in to this new career.

3. My mom is GOOD! She was stressing us out a bit these last few weeks and making us nervous, but all tests came back GOOD!

4. My sister is GOOD! She totally went all out to make sure Tony had the best graduation party ever. And though she swears she's not in to cards, she found the best one ever, that caused Tony to laugh until he cried:

Yes, she found a card with Homer feeding a "pig" bacon! Shell helped make the "pig" theme awesome with ham sandwiches, and hotdogs rolled in bacon! Oh-she also opened her house to all of us to party in!

5. Our Ash is GOOD! She went all out and made "pig" cupcakes! She also found the sweet bacon shirt Tony sported for the party!

6. Adam can be GOOD! Especially when he's delivering a sweet graduation gift!
Don't you just love the surprised looks on their faces?

7. God is GOOD! For as we all know:"With God all things are possible!" God is running our cups over daily with blessings. He's provided me with GOOD friends, GOOD family, and GOOD news! YAY GOD!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

From the Mouths of Babes #2

It's time to go out to eat for a nice family meal Friday night at Chili's. So Tony, Andy, Khayle, Lace, my mom, Derek, and Ash are all snuggled in around the tiniest table ever.

So here come our bottomless tortilla chips and salsa! YUM,YUM! And since Lace is 1/2 me, she enjoys putting a tad bit of salt on them.

Lace is sitting between her daddy and sister when she starts rubbing her eye. I'm on the other side of the table, telling Tony to look at it. Lace tells him she got salt in it, but he'd already gone back to chewing. Lace continues to rub and her distress level is rising. So I urge Tony to look closer! This time he hears her say that the salt got in her eye. Because it matters, Tony asks, "How did the salt get in your eye?"

(Ash, smart as she is, says if she got salt in her eye, it wont burn because we have salt in them already!)

Lace's distress was so high now that she could not answer how the salt got in her eye.

So Khayle did: "Maybe some of the salt bounced off the table and in to her eye!"

We erupted with laughter. And K is one of those kids who HATES to be laughed at.

Beware of the bouncing salt! Maybe Chili's needs to offer safety glasses with their menus!

Friday, July 11, 2008

From the Mouths of Babes #1

WARNING! Could sometimes fall under title of "Too Much Information!"

This one is rated G! (Whew!)

Picture if you will, it's July 4 and we are over at Shell(y)'s to celebrate! Lace is right in the thick of it all sliding the dining room door in and out of the wall about 50 times a minute. This door just slides so smoothly and fun when you're 5. It was keeping her quiet-ish and she still had her ponies and bows in because she was so enthralled with the door!

I'm using every trick from Home Ec and Martha Stewart to open bags of chips, and pour into bowls! There were 3 kinds: potato. tortilla, and something weird with pork in it's name. Shell had out 3 large bowls and 2 small bowls. Clearly, the 3 bowls correlated with the 3 varieties of chips. For reals, my talent were flaming!

Mom and Shell were just yakking it up while me and the crock pots are hard at work. On AMERICA'S birthday of freedom, our freaking amazing family has MEXICAN food along with the very AMERICAN corn on the cob. Doesn't every one do that? (Shell and Tobe don't have a grill! Isn't that so UN-american? They must be closet mexicans!)

NOW is where it gets hairy! I got the chips safely in their bowls, so I decide to use my secret-hidden-ninja cheese skills. I open the fridge and pull out the bag of Cache Valley Shredded Cheese. I see an empty glass cake pan sitting in Shell's fridge. (It was in my way when I decided I wanted to put my very festive America cookie in the fridge for the sake of the frosting! Not to mention that it's weird to keep your empty cake pans in the fridge. I will get a picture of that beautiful work of art up soon!)


TANYA (T) to SHELL (S): "Shell, why do you have an empty cake pan in YOUR fridge? It's in MY way."

S to T: "I'm going to put the dip in there and it will help keep it colder for longer."

I'm now beaming with pride at having successfully placed them in the LARGE bowls and I start to ponder the 2 SMALL bowls. Hmm. . .


TANYA to SELF: "If the dip is going in the cake pan, and the nacho cheese crap is staying in the little crock pot thingy, why do I need 2 bowls for Brandon's Homemade Salsa?"

SELF to T: "You are going to have to ask for clarification for this extremely intricate task!"

T to SELF: "OK! FINE! GOSH! You don't have to yell!"


T to S: "Hey Shell?"

S to T: "Yeah. . ."

T to S: "Do I really need these 2 bowls for Brandon's sweet salsa? It wont go right on the table. Plus it's not fair to have 2 salsa's and only 1 of other dipping crap."

(* OCD moment: It has to LOOK right or it wont taste good!)
(*MOM MOMENT (MM): Making sure all 3 dippings are treated FAIR!)

S to T: "No. You only need one."

(Shell's looking at me like 'Really- did you just say that out loud? Her eyebrow was SO raised!)

LACE to SELL: "It's OK, Sell, my mom doesn't COOK much!" (Lace just can't get that "sh" sound with SHell, but any other 4 letter "sh" words come out LOUD-N-CLEAR!)


BTW, I so got that shredded cheese into the bowls and to the proper location! I so rock! I'm a regular Betty Freakin' Crocker! Ask Lace, she'll tell ya!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Our First Time

We did it! It's only taken me like 10 hours, but I think we're up and running! Of course it doesn't look like I want it to, the small picture of our family is HUGE, and I couldn't get the font I wanted or figure out how to put the text where I wanted it to go, but, at this point: OH WELL!! Hopefully we will get the hang of it, and it will just so easy, we might continue.

Next mission: figure out how the heck to look for my friends and family- on purpose, not just by accident.