This is what you end up with when he can't make up his mind about what kind of birthday cake or cupcakes he wants...Tony got the job of finishing up the frosting...not the prettiest thing ever.
1. Andy has the BEST dimples in the world. They were the first thing I saw on him when they showed him to me. They are still amazing to this day!
I am too lazy to scan his baby this was the first day of junior high...I love those dimples!
2. Andy refused to turn upside down to come out. They even tried to turn him, and he would not cooperate. (Should have seen that as a sign...) He also wouldn't uncross his legs to show us if he was a boy or a girl, so we were surprised. Tony was so excited that Andy was a boy, he cried!
I'm pretty sure that my little man is going to grow up into a wonderful man like his daddy. He sure will look like him anyways!
3. Stubborn, obstinate, and strong willed are some good ways to describe Andy. You have NO idea how many books I have read on how to deal with him.
I may or may not have wanted to do string him up like this before...perhaps I may have even threatened it!
4. Andy still loves to watch Walker, Texas Ranger. He would sing along with the song every time it came on. He always wanted us to take him to Texas to meet Walker. Guess I should have named him Walker.
5. Andy is the 6th grandchild on the Kish side and the oldest grandchild on the Cardinale side.
6. Andy is an amazing athlete. He could excel at any sport he put his mind to. He really prefers soccer, and is hoping to be playing soccer for Mt. View next year. He is also going to play football for Stapley Junior High in the fall. Who knew that I was going to raise a football player? Remember how cool we thought the football players were? WOW! Can't believe I have my own!
7. Andy is a VERY hard worker for my parents and sister. Grandpa calls him his 'Mexican' because Andy will work in the yard from sun up to sun down. He has got mowing the lawn down to a science. He can trim trees and bushes. He can pull weeds, but hates to. He has laid over 100 bricks to make Grandma a nice patio in her back yard. He has also pulled bushes and trees and all sorts of stuff for my sister.
8. Andy is a wonderful son! He helps me around the house by hanging up my pictures, fixing up things that need repaired, and most importantly, in my opinion, he is my scorpion killer! He also takes great care of our dogs. He is getting more responsible every single day! I think he may be somewhat of a 'Mama's Boy'.
9. There is an awesome fish tank in Andy's room. He got a new 29 gallon tank for his birthday, and he has it set up beautifully.
10. Andy is a good big brother. It's not his favorite thing, but he is good at it. I know he loves those girls. Why else would he annoying the living snot out of them on a daily basis? When it gets right down to it, he is good with Laycee and picks her up and flings her around. With Khayle they go out back in my parents backyard and play together for hours sometimes.
A rare moment where the kids aren't screaming and hating each other...and those dang dimples are just so awesome!
11. Andy is my only child who wants to get married and have kids someday. The girls are not real sure about it. I am OK with that.
12. Andy especially loves his Grandma, Grandpa, and his Aunt Nancy. He also loved his Nana and when he goes to visit her grave he usually takes cleaning supplies to clean off the headstone. He has a very sweet and tender heart.
13. Andy weighed 7 lbs 1 oz when he was born. Now he weighs 115 lbs!
14. He has accepted Jesus as his Risen Lord and Savior and knows he will be living eternally in Heaven someday! That is the best decision Andy ever could make.
Andy was so nervous to have to say the word 'yes' in front of the whole church...and I have never been prouder in my life!
We've had some rough roads to travel with Andy. I swear that he had ear infections since conception. He had like 3 sets of tubes, had to have his tonsils out, and had to have one ear drum rebuilt. Yes, he got his ears from me...just not as bad thank goodness! He had to have his appendix out and spend a week in the hospital because it was gangrenous and necrotic, but at least it didn't rupture.
As you can see, having his appendix was very traumatizing for he's taking a break from the PS2 to play Battleship.
He has had a terrible time at school until his learning disabilities were diagnosed, but last year won an award at school for 'Most Outstanding Academic Improvement' and this year is in all mainstream classes with LD support. He has a congenital defect in his lower back known as spina bifida occulta, but praise God, it is a very mild form, and we have a fantastic doctor who is helping with the pain and helping Andy to get his bulging disc back in the right spot. And he is still going to be able to play sports!
There just aren't words to describe how special Andy is. I love him too much! He is just as perfect now as the day he was born on March 20, 1995! God has blessed me so much with my son.