Sunday, September 21, 2008

22 reasons we love 22 year old Ash on the 22nd!

How cool is it that my niece Ash is turning 22 on the 22?! So to celebrate, here's 22 reasons we love our Ash!

We love her because:

1. she is a natural born helper, and always answers with, "yes" when sentences start with, "I have a favor. . ."

2. she is the definition of "unconditional love" and shows it to our crazy family faithfully!

3. someday she will be an amazing mom to babies who will be just as perfect as she was and never cause her any grief! (However, this will make me a great aunt which does cause me extreme grief!)

4. she's an amazing role model to my 3 kids who happen to think she walks on water!

(Andy's in the red, K's in the blue, and Lace is in the green)

5. she loves Jesus and trusts him as her Savior and will live with us in His "Big, Big House" eternally someday!

6. she loves to read! (I like to think she got this from me since we're the only 2 who do it!)

7. she has annoyingly awesome hair! (Jerk)

8. she will bring yummy cookies just when I need them most! She also can find the perfect little gift to celebrate something you never even thought of celebrating! (Again-thinking of other's first)

9. she is an amazing wife who sets a Godly example for all wives, new and old, to follow.

10. she totally kicks some "grass" while racing on the Wii!

11. she finds humor in everything and will laugh at you, but make you think she's laughing with you!
12. she has put up with ADAM for over 19 very, very, very, long years!

13. she is very obedient which can seriously frustrate mothers whose children aren't! (like me- why did my sister get perfect kids AND patience!?)

14. she can buy the ugliest and strangest dogs on the planet and make them the most lovable and cutest puppers ever!

15. she still loves ketchup! On everything! (I also like to think she got this from me!)

16. she says she looks like me which I take as a HUGE compliment! (Have you seen her? She's freaking adorable!) 17. she will touch feet to find out and fix whatever's wrong with them when some people (me) can't stand to.

18. she is stupid smart, like ELP smart, AND she still answers her phone (when she see's it me) to help with homework. (Hey- 8th, 6th, and Kindergarten aren't like they used to be!)

19. she can sew (like on a machine)! And made Rude some dog diapers (out of a maxi pad, no less) so he wont pee in the house as often! Wonder what she can devise for his back end?

20. she embraces her name and all that comes with it. There's "JackAsh", "Ashwee", and one of the favorites is when Lace says her name and it sounds like "Ass" Nothing cuter in the world than to hear Lace say, "Hi Ass!" or "Where'd my Ass go?" (You can't help but crack a smile, huh?)

21. she is totally "Julie Cruise Director" and is working her tail off to plan a trip for 12 to DisneyWorld to celebrate Gramma Judy kicking the "grass" of breast cancer!

22. she is the best daughter, sister, grandaughter, niece, cousin, wife, friend, and someday (soon I hope) mother to be in the whole world and we are totally blessed to have her in our lives!

Can we all just thank God she wasn't turning 31 on the 31st? How long would that have been?!

Anyways- as you can tell, we all love our Ash! She's given us 22 amazing and blessed years! So thanks to my incredibly perfect, but much older sister, Shell and her husband Tobe for having her! (Oh- I guess this also is a testament to what amazing parents she has, and how raising your children according to God's Word is a blessing that keeps on blessing! And they made it look so easy! UGH!)

Ash- we can't wait to see what your next 22 are like! We love you and we're so glad you are our "Asswee!"

*There are more pictures that I am going to put in this, but since I'm computer retarded, I'll have to add them soon*

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tag-with out the running? Cool!

So, thanks to one of my oldest and most dearest friends, Vanessa, I have learned that you can play Tag, WITHOUT RUNNING! What a great idea, especially since I've never been a good runner!
So, here goes:

My 3 joys:

1. My family: all of them!
2. Jon Bon Jovi
3. Shopping and reading: it's a tie!

My 3 fears:

1. FEET!
2. finding a scorpion in the house when Tony or Andy aren't available!
3. going bald

My 3 current obsessions:

1. the stupid, silly word games on Facebook.
2. Jon Bon Jovi
3. wishing for a way to go to DisneyWorld in January.

My 3 surprising facts:

1. I do have a tattoo and 1 body piercing (other than the 5-7 holes in my ears.)
2. I don't touch carts, or doors with my hands, if I can get around it.
3. I have to go in the "in" door, and "out" the out door!
4. (because I can't leave it out!) I go to extreme measures to get the plastic bag around the meat container, on the rare occasions I actually go to the grocery store, and I NEVER, NEVER, EVER touch raw meat!
(doesn't that make my OCD a tad noticeable?!)

And finally, I'm supposed to tag 5 people. But, how come 5 when everything else says 3? So, I will just tag 3, not just because I only have 3 friends, but because it just flows!

1. Ash (it's been over a month now anyways!)
2. Alyson (because she has so much time on her hands now that 3 girls are in school all day!)
3. Nicholle (because I love her so and miss working with her!)