Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tag-with out the running? Cool!

So, thanks to one of my oldest and most dearest friends, Vanessa, I have learned that you can play Tag, WITHOUT RUNNING! What a great idea, especially since I've never been a good runner!
So, here goes:

My 3 joys:

1. My family: all of them!
2. Jon Bon Jovi
3. Shopping and reading: it's a tie!

My 3 fears:

1. FEET!
2. finding a scorpion in the house when Tony or Andy aren't available!
3. going bald

My 3 current obsessions:

1. the stupid, silly word games on Facebook.
2. Jon Bon Jovi
3. wishing for a way to go to DisneyWorld in January.

My 3 surprising facts:

1. I do have a tattoo and 1 body piercing (other than the 5-7 holes in my ears.)
2. I don't touch carts, or doors with my hands, if I can get around it.
3. I have to go in the "in" door, and "out" the out door!
4. (because I can't leave it out!) I go to extreme measures to get the plastic bag around the meat container, on the rare occasions I actually go to the grocery store, and I NEVER, NEVER, EVER touch raw meat!
(doesn't that make my OCD a tad noticeable?!)

And finally, I'm supposed to tag 5 people. But, how come 5 when everything else says 3? So, I will just tag 3, not just because I only have 3 friends, but because it just flows!

1. Ash (it's been over a month now anyways!)
2. Alyson (because she has so much time on her hands now that 3 girls are in school all day!)
3. Nicholle (because I love her so and miss working with her!)

1 comment:

Kirk and Aly said...

Sorry I've been a blog-slacker lately and didn't join in on the fun of tag. I seriously didn't hardly even check anyone's blog for like weeks. Sorry! Plus, your tag was so much fun, and mine would have put people to sleep!